Unreleased projects

The following projects are unreleased.


Foodterra is food-themed social mobile game. Build your deck by growing crops to cook your cards. Gain the crop seeds by trading at the restaurant-based POIs. Clear the corrupted POIs by fighting the evil fast food chains and duel other players. Foodterra also features a dynamic day/night cycle, as well as a weather system.

This game was made for the practical university course 'Social Gaming' in Unity, Mapbox and Django.

Main contributions: (gameplay) programming, visual effects / shaders. Other contributers: Jannik Waldraff, Melanie Lai, Luca Gruschwitz, Milena Hutter


Simple Cloud Volume Renderer

This simple cloud volume renderer was written in Rust and Vulkan. It loads a cube mesh and renders it. Then it is used and ray marches through a 3D Perlin Noise texture that was procedurally in Rust. However, it is not physically correct, since I used a simplified version of the rendering equation that neglects the scattering.

The repository can be found here.


Deferred Shading with Three.js

This deferred shading demo is implemented with Three.js using multiple render targets. It renders a scene of a 4 * 4 boxes with 128 random colored lights. You can see the different gbuffers that were use in the last deferred lighting pass with the options menu, as well as a split view of the selected gbuffer + the normal.

The Demo can be found here.



Rent-A-Friend is a two player local co-op game, where you try to match pairs of yokais on an island.

This game was made for the university course 'Interaction methods and devices' in Unity.

Main contributions: programming, visuals.
